3 Options for Selling Your Land in Alpharetta

Have you finally decided that it is time to sell your land? Like most sellers, you have probably wondered about the best way to sell your land. First, before putting your land on the market, you must understand the basics of each option to make the best decision about how you sell. For example, what … Continued

The Best Way to Sell Your Land in Alpharetta

Have you got a piece of land you no longer want? Perhaps you require the funds for more pressing needs, or you are simply tired of paying the taxes year after year. Unfortunately, no matter why you are considering selling your land, going through the process of selling on your own is stressful, and in … Continued

5 Hidden Costs of Your Alpharetta Land

Real estate investments are a pathway to building generational wealth and a healthy passive income to carry you through retirement. But unfortunately, more costs are involved when buying land than the initial purchase and any monthly payments to a lender. So if you thought owning vacant land meant you wouldn’t have any further expenses, it … Continued

3 Effective Strategies for Selling Land in Alpharetta

If you’re selling land, know that it’s different from selling a house. The market is different, the buyer mindset is different, and you’ll need a different marketing/sales approach. So even though you may have sold a house (or houses) in the past, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will successfully sell a piece of land – … Continued

How to Get the Most Money When Selling Your Land in Alpharetta

Vacant land is usually more difficult to sell than a single-family home. Even though there is no home inspection and there are no home features to haggle over, this is generally the case. And because it also typically takes longer to sell land, many sellers wind up accepting less than they want. So if plan … Continued

3 Reasons to Sell Your Land in Alpharetta

Diversifying your investments among several market sectors in your real estate portfolio fortifies your security in retirement. For example, investing in raw land, which historically increases in value over time, offers a long-term hedge against inflation. Additionally, land can lend itself to creative ways for investors to earn cash flow. And an essential part of … Continued